前言 Foreword丹育猪以高产著名于世,但由于猪场建设、饲养管理等诸多方面的挑战,让丹育猪在中国的生产性能未能达到预期,但丹育种猪在中国养猪业的受青睐程度仍越来越高。猪译馆特收集整理了一系列丹育相关资料,目前正在转载由喜肉科技携手英联饲料和华扬种猪联合推出的丹麦养猪研究中心制作的丹育《配种管理手册》,敬请关注。编者的话 Editor’s Note配种是新一轮生产的开始,配种质量会直接影响受胎率、分娩率、产仔数、断奶数等一系列关键的KPI。因此配种舍的正确管理有助于提高和维持母猪高产、稳产。本手册详细讲解了不同生产模式下查情和配种的各种技巧,其中很多章节图文并茂可以直接作为SOP使用。20.返情母猪的处理HANDLING OF RETURNERS20.1返情母猪是不可避免的,但正确处理能使非生产天数最短Returners Can Not Be Avoided, But With Correct Handling Non-productive Days Can Be Minimized发情鉴定要从配种后第18天开始。Heat control should be performed from 18 days after mating.用超声波扫描仪在母猪配种后第24天进行妊娠鉴定。Pregnancy control can be performed from day 24 with a 2-dimensional scanner.将空怀母猪安置在后备母猪旁边。Empty sows are placed near the gilts.已经返情的母猪要及时转移至预期与其同一周分娩的猪群中。Sows that has returned, move on to the week group they should farrow with.返情超过一次的母猪通常要淘汰。Sows that return more than once should generally beculled.淘汰生产多于5胎的返情母猪。Sows older than 5 litters that returns should be culled.那些不规律的返情母猪通常不会遵守3周的发情周期。Irregular returners are returners that do not fifit with the normal 3-week cycle.返情母猪是不可避免的。Returners can not be avoided.母猪的返情会增加工作时间,并引起栏中的躁动。Returners is time consuming and provide turbulence in the pen.20.2返情母猪太多会降低每头母猪的年产仔猪数Many Returners Costs Pig Per Sow Per Year缺乏发情和妊娠鉴定会导致由于返情母猪引起的非生产天数增加。Lack of oestrus- and pregnancy control leads to many non-production days because of returners.6-7天的非生产天数会使每头母猪的年产仔猪数下降1头。6-7 non-production days extra “costs” 1 pig per sow per year.母猪的返情会增加工作时间,这是由于多次的转圈和对空怀母猪的额外观察。Returners are time consuming due to multiple displacements and increased observation of empty sows.返情母猪过多会使对群体大小(每周)的管理变的困难。Many returners make it diffiffifficult to manage the group size.20.3补充说明: 返情母猪的处理Additional Comments: Handling Of Returners如果母猪第一次配种未受孕,并处于正常发情周期,它将会在18-24天后再次发情。通过对配种后的母猪进行积极主动的发情鉴定,可以第一时间发现那些潜在的返情母猪。If the fifirst mating has not resulted in a pregnancy and the sow is in normal cycle, she will be in heat again 18-24 days later. By active heat control among the mated sows you will be able to catch potential returners the fifirst time they come in heat.如果通过扫描发现母猪空怀,要把它转移到配种舍,在那里比在妊娠舍里能更好的进行短期优饲、更多的关注发情鉴定和更好的与公猪接触。If you fifind the sow empty by scanning, it is moved to the mating unit where there will be a better chance of flflushing, more focus on heat control and better boar contact than in the gestation unit.
将空怀母猪安置在后备母猪旁边,确保进行一天2次的发情鉴定。从而更容易注意到母猪的发情情况。By collecting the empty sows near gilts you ensure that they are where you will be making heat control twice a day. This ensures that you are more aware of when the sows come into heat.将返情母猪转移至与其同一周分娩的猪群中,这能使接下来的妊娠鉴定、接种疫苗等工作变得易。It gives the best view in the unit if you always move the returners so they are housed with the week group they will farrow with. This will ease all future work with pregnancy control, vaccination, etc.经验表明,返情母猪的分娩率比群体中的其它母猪要低。如果一头母猪重复返情,怀孕的概率会随着返情的次数大大下降。如果群体的分娩率在82%以下,并且某一周的母猪数量下降,这很可能是因为有返情两次或更多次的母猪。Experiences shows that the farrowing rate of returners is lower than other sows in the herd. If asow returns repeatedly, the propability of pregnancy will be strongly decreasing with the numbers ofreturnings. If the farrowing rate in the herd is under 82 % and if there is a lack of sows in the weekly group, it may be appropriate to let a sow return two or more times.经验表明,生产多于5胎的母猪,如果返情,分娩率会非常低。Experience shows that sows with more than 5 litters have a very low farrowing rate on returning.不规律的返情是指与第一次记录的发情/配种时间相比,不能以3周为发情周期。Irregular returners, which are returners that do not have a 3-week cycle, in relation to the fifirst recorded oestrus/ mating will occur.不规律的返情可能是因为:Irregular returners may be because:第一次配种时母猪还没发情。The sow was not in heat at the fifirst mating.登记的配种时间不正确。The date of mating is not registered properly.母猪有过一段时间的泛情期(由于应激、饲 料太少、白天减短、猪舍内光线太弱、气候 不好和饲料中有毒素)。The sow has been a cyclical (“stalled”) for a period (stress, too little feed, decreasing day length, tooweak light strength in the unit, bad climate, and toxins in the feed).母猪有或有过囊肿(可能由毒素引起,但这不是唯一的原因)。The sows have or have had cysts. (Can occur as a result of toxins, but it is not always a reason isfound).母猪怀孕了,但又流产了(掉了或发育不良)。The sow was pregnant but lost the pregnancy (dropped or back formed fetuses).21.后备母猪初次发情的观察和登记HEAT OBSERVATION AND REGISTRATION OF FIRST HEAT IN GILTS21.1最佳发情观察Optimal Heat Observation后备母猪通常在6-7月龄出现第一次发情。Gilts normally get their fifirst heat in 6-7 months of age.后备母猪6月龄后,可以开始每天与公猪接触。From the gilts are 6 months old, they can be introduced to the boar daily.每天通过发情鉴定的“5个要点”进行一次发情鉴定。Heat control is performed after the 5-point plan once a day.当发现后备母猪第一次发情时,要对其做标记。The gilts are marked when the fifirst heat is observed.母猪初次发情后,会形成18-24天的稳定发情周期。Gilts that have had their fifirst heat will be cyclic with an 18-24 day interval.未能与群体其它母猪一起发情的后备母猪,需要接受新的发情刺激。Gilts that are not coming to heat with the rest of the group are exposed to new stimuli.后备母猪在配种舍里要有舒适的空间,足够的光线,并与公猪接触。The mating unit must have good space, plenty of light and boar contact to the gilts.圈舍太拥挤使发情观察和记录很困难。Cramped conditions make it diffiffifficult to observe and record heat.21.2后备母猪不发情,可能是因为Lack Of Heat In Gilts May Be Due To发情时受到应激而被抑制,如圈舍太拥挤、等级竞争或争夺饲料。The heat is suppressed due to negative stress eg lack of space, rank matches or fifight over feed.体况不好,发育不良。Poor body condition and failure to thrive.缺少与公猪的接触。Lack of boar contact.猪舍内氨的气味抑制了后备母猪的嗅觉。Ammonia smell in the unit inhibits the gilts smell.后备母猪的发情迹象不明显,且因发情鉴定没做到位而未被工作人员发现。The gilt shows weak heat signs and the heat is not detected by the staffff because the heat control isinadequate.光照不足。Lack of light.以下可造成后备母猪的发情鉴定困难Heat control in gilts can be diffiffifficult if后备母猪散布在猪舍的不同位置。The gilts are in difffferent places in the housing system.后备母猪处于很大的群体中。The gilts go in large incalculable groups.21.3补充说明: 后备母猪初次发情的观察和登记Additional Comments: Heat Observation And Registration Of First Heat In Gilts除了年龄以外,初次发情的时间还取决于品种、体况、与公猪的接触和后备母猪周围环境的变化。Besides age the time of fifirst heat depends of race, body condition, boar contact and changes in the gilts surroundings.与公猪的接触需要后备母猪和公猪在同一圈舍内。为了达到与公猪接触的最佳效果,需要一天接触两次,每次持续10-15分钟。Boar contact should be done by gilts and boar being in the same pen. For optimal effffect of boar contact it is recommended twice a day of 10-15 minutes duration.公猪必须是性成熟的,且最好超过10月龄。The boar must be sexually mature, preferably over 10 months old.发情鉴定的实施首先要从外部可见的发情迹象来观察,像阴唇红肿,好奇心增加,也可能会爬跨其它母猪。Heat control is performed by fifirst and foremost to look after the visible exterior heat signs which areswollen and red labia, increased curiosity from the gilt and possible mount on other animals.并非所有母猪都有明显的发情迹象(后备母猪年龄越大,发情迹象越不明显),所以授精人员进行积极主动的发情鉴定是很重要的。当授精人员进行发情鉴定时,要通过模仿公猪与后备母猪接触时的刺激要点。Not all animals show visible heat signs (the older the gilts get, the weaker the heat signs are) so it isimportant that the inseminator performs an active heat control. When the inseminator performs heatcontrol it is done by imitating the boars touch of the gilts stimulation points.后备母猪必须出现静立反射才能确认为初次发情。静立反射可通过授精人员执行发情鉴定的“5个要点”或使用公猪来完成。The gilt must show standing heat to detect the fifirst heat. The standing heat is triggered either via the 5 point plan executed by the inseminator or by using the boar.总的来说,在发情期间,为了使后备母猪出现静立反射,通常要做很多工作。First and last during the heat, you usually work more with the gilt to get it to show standing heat.当观察到后备母猪的初次发情时,对其进行标记是很重要的。用3种不同的颜色,并且每个星期换一种颜色,这有助于观察每周需要关注的后备母猪。当观察到初次发情时,也可以选择给后备母猪一个母猪编号。给后备母猪做标记是为了便于进行短期优饲(短期优饲必须在计划的配种日期前7-14天进行)。It is a great advantage to mark the gilt when the fifirst heat is observed. Use 3 difffferent colors and change the color of each week. It helps to visualize the gilts you should be focusing on each week. You can also choose to give the gilt a sow number when fifirst heat is observed. Marking of gilts is a tool to fifind out when to flflush them. (Flushing must be done 7-14 days before expected mating).在一块板或卡片上,记录后备母猪编号和周编号,这样即使母猪身上的颜色标记消失,也可根据记录来判断。Write down the gilt number and week number on a board or card, so you have something to relate to if the color marks disappear.在第二次发情时配种或更迟配种,与第一次发情就配种相比,窝产仔数更高。Mating of the gilt in the second heat or later increases the litter size in relation to mating in the fifirst heat.当后备母猪的发情有规律后,发情时间是固定的,其发情间隔是18-24天。When the gilts are cyclical, the time of heat cannot be moved. Cyclic gilts come into heat within an interval of 18-24 days.如果试图通过给后备母猪注射激素来诱情,会有形成囊肿的风险,且发情时间也不会变。If you try to provoke a heat by injecting the gilt with hormones, you risk the formation of cysts and it does not move the time of heat.不建议给后备母猪用激素。Use of hormones for gilts is not recommended.未能和圈舍内其它后备母猪一起发情或超过7.5月龄还没发情的后备母猪,需要进行新的刺激,如和其它母猪混群,转圈,与不同的公猪接触。Gilts that do not come into heat together with the other pen mates or later than 7.5 months is exposed to new stimuli/ positive stress. It can be done by mixing with other animals, moving between the units and/or boar contact with difffferent boars.超过10-11月龄且处于舒适圈舍中,而还没有出现明显发情的后备母猪要淘汰。总会有一些母猪不发情。如果不发情的比例超过5%,需要花更多的心思在饲养条件上。Gilts that have had optimal conditions in the mating unit, but have not shown a clear heat latest at 10-11 months of age are culled. There will always be a certain number of animals that never comes into heat. If this number exceeds 5 % you should explore the conditions more.